FAR 145 Course Types

FAR 145 Course Types

AMT School offers FAA FAR 145 training to meet and exceed all five (5) levels of FAA FAR 145 training requirements. The following five (5) FAA FAR 145 training levels are offered by AMT School:


This is core training for all repair station personnel. The scope and depth of indoctrination varies depending on the technician's assigned position. AMT School and the repair station will determine the level of indoctrination training required for each job assignment.

Per FAA requirements, the following subjects are addressed in AMT School's indoctrination program, regardless of the repair station's size or ratings:


As determined by the repair station and AMT School, the repair station's technical training areas of study may be separate and distinct from indoctrination training and may apply to different categories of employees within a given job position. Technical training requirements should focus on providing employees with the appropriate skill or task training required to properly perform job position assignments.

The repair station should have procedures to determine the applicable scope and depth of initial and/or recurrent training based on each job assignment and each employee's experience and capability established by the needs assessment. AMT School is capable of assisting the repair station with developing a needs assessment. The needs assessment is the basis for determining an individual's initial and recurrent training requirements.

When developing the initial or recurrent training courses, the repair station and AMT School will take into account that individuals will not have the same training, experience, and skill level. For example, when developing its initial course of study for technicians, a repair station may want to have separate programs for: (1) Individuals that hold an A&P certificate. (2) Individuals with experience performing similar tasks at another repair station. (3) Individuals with applicable military aviation maintenance experience. (4) Individuals with no skills, experience, or knowledge.

AMT School has more than 70 training courses to choose from. A repair station may have more than one training course for its employees. For example, initial training for new repair station technicians with limited repair station experience may include the following in-depth courses: (1) Maintenance human factors. (2) Tools. (3) Test equipment, including ground support equipment. (4) Materials and parts. (5) Records and recordkeeping. (6) Specific Hazardous Material, OSHA, and EPA requirements: (7) Shop safety. (8) Specific-job or task training. In contrast, initial training for new technicians with prior repair station experience may include a general review of the same subjects and detailed technical training only for specific job or task assignments. In all events, an individual's specific training requirements should be established based on a needs assessment developed by the repair station.


Recurrent maintenance training commonly includes training known as refresher training, to ensure that the employees of a repair station remain capable of properly performing the assigned job tasks. If requested by the repair station, AMT School will maintain scheduled tracking of the repair station's recurrent training requirements to include as required by FAA the type and frequency of recurrent training for each of the repair station's employees. Each repair station's recurrent training program will differ.


The repair station should have procedures to identify job assignments that will require special skills or have complexity that would require the development of specialized training to ensure capabilities, AMT School has over 100 courses developed to meet FAR 145 Specialized Training requirements. Examples of areas that may require specialized training include flame and/or plasma spray operations, special inspection or test techniques, special machining operations, complex welding operations, aircraft inspection techniques, or complex assembly operations. The repair station's training program should address the initial and recurrent training requirements for any task or assignment that it determines requires specialized training.


A repair station should have procedures to determine when an employee will require remedial training. AMT School is capable of developing s remedial training procedures to rectify an employee's demonstrated lack of knowledge or skill by providing the necessary remedial training. Remedial training should be designed to fix an immediate knowledge or skill deficiency and may focus on one employee Successful remedial training should show an individual what happened, why it happened, and in a positive manner, how to prevent it from happening again.

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